Friday 3 February 2012


The obsession with becoming more voluptuous and beautiful is taking some women to the point where they are loosing sight of the risks they could encounter. Knowing that with the help of a needle they can look like a model or an actress makes women feel more secure and increases their self-esteem. But a few of them know a limit, while others are willing to do anything in their hands to have the ‘perfect look’.

The use of implants has been in fashion, if you would like to consider it that way, for many years. Breast and butt implants are the most common around the world. However in recent years breast implants have been a must-have if a woman is considering becoming a star or even thinking about being the next Miss Universe.

In South and Central America, the use of breast implants is very common. There are three different types of prosthesis: silicone, saline water and hydrogel. According to different surgeons around the world silicone is preferred over saline because it has a more natural feeling. Saline water is more liquid and there are more chances of rupture. If this happens, the liquid is absorbed by the body and causes no danger; however there is a visible difference in how they look.

In December 2011, thousands of women worldwide were alerted to faulty silicone breast implants made by the now-defunct French company Poly Implant Prothese, or better known as PIP.  The company had been using illegally obtained low-cost gel, which was never tested on humans. Around 300,000 women have implants worldwide including more than 42,000 in Britain more than 30,000 in France, 9,000 in Australia and 4,000 in Italy.

Ruptured PIP Implant

In Colombia the association of plastic surgeons says about 14,000 pairs of PIP were sold. Many of the implants filled with industrial-grade silicone have spilt open causing a growing demand for their removal.
Dr. Alexis Montoya Fierro is a plastic surgeon in Colombia; he says the problem with the PIP implants is their durability.

“Most of the implants that were made after 2007 don’t have the same regulations and standards from the previous years. They are not certified to last long enough, therefore creating more chances of a rupture. If the rupture happens the patient has to change the implant right away.”

According to Dr. Fierro, the amount of patients has increased due to the fact that most women have to go through another surgery to remove the implant. Women are advised, especially in countries like Colombia to seek professional help to avoid the risk of getting infections.

Breast Implant Removal

“It’s very important that the patient consults someone who is a registered surgeon and not just an aesthetician who do not meet the guidelines to perform such an operation.”

He also recommends women follow the procedure properly. Attending an annual check-up appointment with their doctor is very important. It will verify if the prosthesis is in good condition.

Cristal Andreina PatiƱo lives in Colombia, and had this type of implant. She went through her first surgery in May 2005 because she wanted her breasts to look bigger. But now she regrets making this decision and instead wishes and envies women who are natural.  

“Everything went well, there were no complications, and nothing hurt. Until last year when my husband told me that one of my breasts was lower than the other one. I didn’t pay attention until that night when I noticed when I was laying in bed. It looked like a gel, and I could move it everywhere. I got scared so I consulted the doctor who did the surgery back in 2005 and he told me to go through an ultrasound. And like I thought, the results proved that the implant was ruptured. In September 2011 when the doctor told me that I had to change them, he said I was getting a type of French implant and that the company was closed but I didn’t pay attention to which brand they were. And then just after my surgery the controversy about the PIP implants exploded and that’s when I realized I had this type of implant in my body. I ignored what was happening until December when they started hurting. I went to the same doctor and he told me the best thing to do was to remove them and change the type of prostheses to an American type. So I decided to go through my third and last surgery in January 2012.”

Cristal not only decided to make her breasts bigger, but due to the social pressure of wanting to be ‘perfect’ she also made the decision of having liposuction. In April 2011 she was convinced by a friend to go to a clandestine place to have the surgery because it was cheaper than with a surgeon. And she almost died because of this decision. Her body does not look the same, she is suffering with fibrosis, she gained weight and is now attending sessions of massages to help shape her body.

Cristal was just a victim like thousands of women going through the same problem. Especially in Colombia, women are never satisfied with their natural body because they want to have everything perfect. She is not only overcoming a health and mental breakdown but also had to pay around $3,000 U.S because her insurance didn’t cover the costs.

In most countries, the minimum age for women to go through a breast augmentation is eighteen years of age. However in countries like Colombia it is very common to see a girl who is just turning fifteen years old getting this type of implant. Even though plastic surgeons like Dr. Fierro recommend not going through surgery until a woman has finished her growing stage; most girls decide not to do it because they want to look like everyone else.

Watch how the process of breast augmentation is done

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